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Elder Ferrell's brother, Richard surprised him at a conference in Bratislava last Sunday on his way home from the middle east. |
Hey everyone, well this week was very very busy and this next week is promising to be another busy week as well. The only down side from the week was that is snowed 6 out of the 7 days this week. Of course it would always melt off before the next day started but then of course you would have a fine layer of snow everywhere the next morning. Friday was probably the worst, it snowed everywhere and it was very very cold. It's weird because all throughout the winter it wasn't that bad and 2 weeks ago it was very warm, almost warm enough to be without a jacket, and then April weather came and kicked us in the teeth. I was very cold on Tuesday because I brought the wrong jacket with me to work. Anyway it wasn't that bad this week and we had a a lot of fun but it was just simply busy.
As far as meetings with people go, it's been quite good actually. We were busy and Sister Baird coming was really good because we met with some former investigators that we haven't been able to meet with otherwise. The family is still doing well, they weren't able to come to Church this week because they were out of town but we're pushing hard for general conference, and I think that they will come to it. We also had a really cool experience last night. We were with an investigator and he got a call and told this woman that he has a really important visit. He offered here to bring us to her as well and she said okay, so we went and taught her too and she wants us to come back today and then also she wants to come to the conference. She is cool and sort of lonely but I think she has a lot of potential, she's just a generally nice person. We're excited for her. As well as, we have been visiting the member who wants to stop doing everything wrong and he is making wonderful progress. We were there on Saturday and he said he had his last coffee and that he was excited to quit smoking. He is really close and paid tithing this week and came to the concert. He is sick and can't come to church right now but he tried hard to get there for at least the concert. He is looking better and it looks like he will recover very well from it. The work here is doing fine, and it is just exciting to see all of the progress being made. A new district, the other elders are teaching many families it is simply a nice and wonderful time to be a missionary.
Well, transfers are coming up so it's exciting, I imagine that I will be staying here in Zilina, at least I hope I do. If you think I reacted seeing Richard pretty excitedly then that's pretty good. I just don't really leap for joy for things. Conference is going to be cool, we'll probably watch it all in English, and I need to start downloading them soon. We're currently at the Seidlovci emailing because it is still a holiday. They have a odd tradition where they take whips and the guys whip the girls on the back and pour water all over them until they give them candy or ribbons or something. It's a little odd but funny haha. Today I will change out the screen on Samuel's iPhone and we have been helping a guy clean his house today too. We are going to make burritos for the Seidlovci this week sometime because beef is cheap right now so we're excited for that and so are they. The stuff you sent us is great and is really tasty. I'm still really tired and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and I'm trying to gain weight now because I think I probably should. So hopefully I will be a little bigger when I come home.
Anyways thanks for everything and the love that you all have given me and have a great and wonderful week.
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