Nitra District |
Elders with Slovak Elder getting ready to report to the MTC |
Elders Ferrell and Rosendahl |
Elders Ferrell and Lamb |
Elders Ferrell and Rasmussen |
Elder Ferrell and Sister J |
Well, apparently, Slovakia is having the craziest summer of all
time and it's not getting warmer at all, it's actually getting colder,
today was great, and weather wise it was
pretty nice not too hot but not really cold it was just really nice. That's
pretty much how the entire week has been going so it's not really that hot
anymore. It can be uncomfortable when I'm out in it all day or when I run
but if I'm just sitting there I don't sweat or anything so it's pretty great.
They say that this summer is very mild and very unusual but it makes up for the
winter that we had, there was no snow or anything except for in
Kosice, luckily where I was. But everyone else got short changed on the snow but
it was still pretty cold so they got all of the bad and none of the great.
This week though has been great, it's been some fun but it's been pretty hard on
me but just a little bit, really just one day was unusually hard, and I'm not
100% sure why it was so hard but I'll talk about that later but here we go.
The first exciting thing that happened was zone conference here in
Bratislava and I was able to conduct that and lead that. It was really cool. It
was 3 hours and the only people that spoke were us the sister trainer leaders
and President. President first talked about how we need to break some of the
traditions that we have as missionaries and as a mission. We went over some
of the myths of missionary work that we need to get rid of. Some of the things
were that we were talking about is how as missionaries we try to make some
people into the elect rather than find the elect and that's a problem with the
entire mission. We try so hard to make some of these people into something they
aren't and we devote a lot of time with people who will never join the church.
While this doesn't mean we stop teaching people who want us to come over, it
merely means, those that won't make and keep commitments are not progressing and
all of our time should not be focused on them and that rather than spend all of
our precious time we can go out and find more people or we can focus on other
investigators. That problem is something all missions have and it's something
that we need to break and so that's what we're trying to do and that's a little
bit why I had a hard day because one of our really cool investigators dropped us
and was rather mean about it and it just threw me into a hole and it was just
really difficult, but I talked to President about it and he helped me get through
it and now I'm back to normal so it wasn't too big of an issue. Back to the
training though, the sisters then trained about talking about baptism in every
conversation so everyone knows our purpose and then me and Elder Ringger trained
on making small and simple invitations in every situation. I think it went over
well and people learned something from it so it was rather awesome. Then I had
an interview with president McConkie and we just talked very quickly and then
Elder Ringger and him talked for like 30 minutes about random stuff, but I
think it's about 50/50 whether I stay here or not, either way, I'm still going
to go to another city and hope to teach and baptize a bunch of people there or here so it doesn't
matter to me one way or the other.
As for our investigators we had a pretty good week with them, I think they
all really understand our intentions a lot better now that we're talking about
baptism with every single person in every single lesson. Michaela is still doing
great she's in Austria still and she comes back on Friday and she says she's not drinking coffee at all and
she's drinking something else that's similar to Caro or the wheat substitute, so
I'm assuming that she's not drinking it. I think she doesn't think she is
drinking it so that's really the most important part. We don't
completely know but she says it's the same thing as Caro, so I trust her and
we'll talk to her about it when she comes back. Our other baptismal date
Vladimir, for some reason won't ever answer his phone or come to his meetings
and he didn't come to church. We went to his work and he was there and was happy
to see us and said he would come over but he never did. I don't necessarily
think he's dodging us for a reason but who really knows. Maybe I just like to
give people the benefit of the doubt. Interestingly though we still had people
come to church. Progress our friend from Nigeria came out and was with us which
was awesome and then our Afghanistani friend came out with his wife and his son
and she's not a member, and it was great to see her there because I don't think
she's ever come so I'm thinking that we will pick her back up as an
investigator. So it was a really awesome week when we weren't sure that anyone
was going to be coming to church. Other than that nothing out of the
ordinary happened this week with our investigators it was just really cool with
them all and I'm so grateful that I can work with these great men and women.
I so want for them to listen to our message, change their lives and join the church so much but I know that some won't probably
and I have to come to grips with that but I can do it and I'm not going to get
down because of it again, and that I can promise.
Well other than taht this week has been pretty normal, we've been working
hard and we're planning to go on an exchange today actually with Zilina, it's
the last exchange that we have and we're going to do it now. We also have to go
to Kosice to go and do interviews with some of their baptismal dates and so
that's a lot of time to go out there and we have a concert on Wednesday that we have to be back for
so yeah. Then the week after we are also going to Prague for mission
leadership council so that's fun. Other than that I guess I'll end it here
it's not super long but I hope you all love it and it has made you laugh or at least, be entertaining. But I love you all and wish you a great week and I hope that you're all
being safe and just having a great time without me. I love you all thanks
Elder Ferrell
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