Friday, November 7, 2014

The Lord is my light, my all and in all with photos

Elders Ferrell and Dupree
All Saints day

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All saints day

Castle visited

Relaxing in a wheelbarrow

photo from castle

Elder Dupree looking unhappy

This week went by extremely fast like every other week that we have but it was nice and fun, we were able to get quite a bit done and I was able to get a lot of things done for the branch and figured out as well as we had a really awesome training in Brno.  For some reason it just seemed so surreal. I don't really know why.  Maybe it's just because we haven’t been in Brno for a long time but we had some really fun times up there and we travelled back with about half the zone.   So that was cool. I don't really know what to say so I'll just go about my week now.  We also went to a castle today and I'm tired because we walked up a big hill.  I took pictures so I will be sending them, I promise, there's no need to worry. We also had All, saints day and that was awesome, easily my favorite Slovak holiday. I'll send pictures of what it's like because there are thousands, literally thousands of lamps and candles burning everywhere at every grave, it's nuts!
Well this week we weren’t able to meet with our family unfortunately because they were sick.  But we have a meeting with them today and we're going over there today, we've already confirmed it, so they still like us ha-ha.  They're just awesome, and I think they have such great potential to make their family into a forever family.  It's going to be sick! We have also been continuing on with our previous investigators, the man from China, and then were also teaching a Jehovah's witness.   If I didn't mention that last week.  Some people are asking whether there's a point to it or not and I think there is, because he actually listens unlike everyone else.  He knows his bible extremely well, probably the best I've ever seen a JW know it.  Typically JW's here "know" there bible but I can typically give them answers for everything they have a questions for.  With him it's not very much different but it's definitely harder.  There are a few questions that I need to study out more, if I really want to answer him in full. He's really cool, and extremely nice and actually won't argue a whole lot with us. I still think he has potential but we'll see as we go down the line. Our man from China is still really cool.  We met his son when we came over to his store this previous week.  Our goal for him is to just try our hardest in getting an actual sit down lesson with him. This week at church we had 3, count em, 3 less-actives at church, so that was a huge step and one man should be reactivated this or the next week, He's pretty awesome. We're still working hard and we're trying our best to find the elect in Zilina, and it's going pretty well.  We're setting up a lot of lessons with some really cool people so I'm pumped for that.
We also went to Brno for training this last week, we had to teach English so we stayed in Bratislava for the night and that kind of sucked because the apartment there sort of blows, but it's okay.  We stayed there and then got on a really nice bus that gives out free hot chocolate, so we were pretty thankful for that. The greatest part though was the training of course.  We got trained on the importance of finding and teaching families, which of course is the hardest part about missionary work for some reason, teaching and finding families. It basically was just there to pump us up so that we wouldn't be scared of teaching and finding families, and it was pretty nice. We also got a look at the 4 new sister missionaries, they're pretty cool, one's from Canada.  That's all I pretty much know about them.
We also went to a castle today.  It was about 20 minutes away from the city and we just took a bus there. We then hiked up from the bottom for about 30 minutes and played around there for a while and then we came down.  I have pictures so don't worry about it I will for sure send them to you all.
Well that's pretty much everything.  This week was the most crazy or exciting week that I've ever had but it's the missionary life.  It's good and tiring but all in all good, so that's that. But thanks for everything and for all of the support and keeping me in the loop and all that kind of stuff I love you all and wish that you have a great and wonderful week and happy Halloween.
Elder Ferrell

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