Sunday, June 21, 2015

Amen and amen

Well the time has come, it is officially the last time I will be emailing all of you as a missionary, that's weird to say but meh. It still doesn't feel like I'm going home but I have everything already prepared to leave. My bags are mostly packed I'm just waiting for the time to roll on so I can pack all the things that I need currently, I've been saying my goodbyes to the people that I won't constantly be seeing anymore and I've been working hard for the final days. Today is transfer day and as such, it is a little crazy so I'm emailing in the morning but no one else will so I'm the lucky one right now. Everything went smoothly this past week and we had some success so it was worth it  like every week is worth it but it was a good hard-working last week and I really quite enjoyed it. So we'll get this email on it's way.

The main thing we did was work this week. We called up every person that I had found since I've been in Zilina and told them I was leaving and that I wanted to meet with them. A lot of them agreed and actually turned into new investigators. So that will be a nice boost for Elder Lyman this next transfer. We were finally able to teach our current investigators, and the family that we're teaching came to church yesterday! And they enjoyed it a lot! It was awesome, I had a talk and Elder Lyman said some stuff and then Samuel talked so it was a great week for them to come. The last time we were at their house though only the father was home. He had been sick and we just talked with him and then talked about blessings and he asked for one. So we gave him a blessing and that was very spiritual and nice. We also were able to make Halusky for our friend from Norway and he liked it and thought it was very filling then we sat down and talked and I basically just bore my testimony to him about how we just need to endure and I asked him to just continue looking. He said that sounds pretty easy and said he would continue looking for God. We also met with a lot of people named Michal that all have tons of potential and we're meeting with one more tomorrow who is 17 right now. They're all really cool and I love them all a lot. Yesterday we went to a man's house on the outskirts of Zilina and he made us a Halusky and it was really good actually. So all those calls were very helpful as we got 4 new investigators this week so it was really awesome.

On Sunday, was the change, Elder Lyman got his transfer call the night before at 10:30, and for the next 2 months he will be the Branch President, Elder Kuhlmann is coming from Banska Bystrica to be with him and maybe learn the job of doing that. Elder Christensen will be with Elder Roosendaal for the next 2 months here in Zilina and will probably finish his mission in Zilina so it will be really cool for him. I also get to see him before I go so, lucky me! I also gave the main talk yesterday in church. I think it was OK, the family was there so it was awesome to have them hear my last talk. Then Elder Lyman bore his testimony and then Samuel spoke for awhile and he always does a good job. Then I taught Sunday School and that went pretty well. Sister Seidlova said that I don't know what happened but your talk and lesson was really good today, maybe you should have left more often haha. We're going over there tonight to say goodbye and Samuel is going to give me a blessing. I'm excited.

There's not really much else, it's time to go, I have loved it tremendously and I love the members here so much, I mean I was with them for nearly a year. I hope to keep in touch with all of them as much as I can and I just love it with them. I wish all of them success and happiness in the future with all of their trials that are coming up. They're wonderful and I'm so excited that my parents and sister can meet them and that my brother could meet them too haha. They all mean a  lot to me and I want to show them all off haha. Well thanks everyone for the support you've given me over these past 25 months, I've needed every bit of it, you're all great and I'll see most of you soon. Anyways have a great week!

Elder Ferrell


  1. Dear Elder Ferrell & Elder Ferrell's Parents!

    My name is Jennifer Jones and I am Elder Kuhlmann's Mother! :)

    I have been quietly following this blog for almost a year having found it shortly after Derrick entered the MTC, and I wanted to tell you THANK YOU! for sharing your mission with us! In the beginning, mission blogs soothed my aching 1st-time-missionary-mom heart and helped shorten the distance. They helped me understand missionary life and the world they live in and also to know what to expect and how they live in Slovakia.

    Your blog has been very helpful and a great tender mercy for me- Especially now that it appears that Derrick will likely be following Elder Ferrell's path and maybe have some very similar experiences. Once again, I find myself feeling very grateful to you and the Lord for the blessing of this blog and comfort I feel from knowing a tiny bit of what he is ahead of him!

    I would like to invite you to join us in the new Czech/Slovak Mission facebook group. A couple of mom's and I started it as a way of helping other parents, connecting and sharing this amazing experience. We would love to have you!

    Elder Ferrell, Best wishes in your new adventures and Congratulations on a job very well done!
    s láskou,
    Jennifer Jones:)

    1. Dear Sister Jones,
      We returned from Slovakia and the Czech Republic about an hour ago. I haven't had access to this blog while we were gone. We appreciate you writing on this blog and are grateful that you have found it interesting and useful.

      When we got ready for this mission call, we looked at other blogs by people who were currently in the mission and and discovered a great deal of useful and pertinent information that was imperative in preparing our son to go the Slovakia.

      We spent two days in Zilina, including last Sunday services, met your son, and were impressed with him and all the missionaries and members in the branch. As our son said goodbye to the members and we were able to thank the members of this small branch in fast and testimony meeting, our hearts were full and there were many tears. Our son, who is rarely emotional, had an extremely difficult time saying goodbye to these people who had meant so much to him over the past year.

      We then travelled to Frankfurt, and wer able to attend the temple there with many members from Slovakia and the Czech Republic who were there on a temple excursion before the temple closes in August for the next couple of years.

      We are now home and leave in a few minutes to go to the stake office and to get Elder Ferrell released from his mission. We are looking forward to the next phase.

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